

As a parent and a sexologist, Kelley believes that educating our children in a positive manner helps them develop healthy self-esteem and self-concept. Relationships teach us about love, connection, and community. How we show up in relationships is at the core of who we are as human beings. Kelley can discuss any sexual topics with any age child, the sky is the limit. Below is a sample of the most common class she teaches.

Everyone deserves the most effective sex ed:

Age-appropriate comprehensive sex education with

Dr. Kelley!

Contact Kelley to schedule these classes in your community.

For Girls:

Girls Growing Up Strong

A class for girls grades 4, 5, and 6

Girls Growing Up Strong is an empowerment class that takes a broad look at growing up, relationships, family, self-esteem, good decision-making skills, and the importance of self-love. The class will emphasize universal values like respect for self and others, honesty, trust, and fairness. Students will learn vital information about puberty, periods, and peer relationships.

For Boys:

Boys Growing Up Strong

A class for boys grades 4, 5, and 6

Boys Growing Up Strong is designed to educate boys about the changes they go through transitioning to early adolescence. We will discuss the physical, emotional, and social changes of boys, social expectations of males in our society, and the male’s role in reproduction and contraception. Gender role and gender role stereotypes will also be addressed.

Teens Growing Up Strong: Sexual Consent

A class and service project for young men grades 7 - 12

Young men stand up and say “NO” to sexual violence against women.

Teens Growing Up Strong: Sexual Consent is aimed at young men who respect, protect, and care about women and girls. This class addresses sexual rights, ethics, and consent in an age-appropriate way and in line with the values of social justice. In addition to attending the class, participants are asked to take action by participating in the Walk A Mile in Her Shoes event, held every spring.

For Adolescents:

Chatting, Posting, Sexting, OH MY!

A class for Pre-Teens and Teens

Learn to help young people make healthy and wise decisions around the use of technology. This class can be adjusted to meet the needs of young people, parents, or professionals who work with youth. The goal is to help young people develop good decision-making skills around the use of social media, including sending inappropriate pictures, using the internet, sexting, and texting. 

Teens Growing Up Strong

A class for boys and girls in grades 6 - 8

The goal of this class is to have open, honest, and frank instruction and discussion about puberty, changing bodies and feelings, reproduction, pregnancy and birth, and romantic relationships. Anonymity gives students the freedom to ask what they want about sexuality and we take time to answer all questions. The aim of this class is to empower teens to make responsible sexual health decisions which are best made when a person is older and more mature.

Teens Growing Up Strong

A class for boys and girls in grades 10 - 12

This class expands on lessons covered in middle school and includes discussion on ethics, character building, and the importance of consent and respect. Instruction on contraception and STI’s is detailed and in-depth. Awareness of risk and risk reduction is discussed. Participants explore the sources of gender role attitudes. This class promotes non-stereotypical attitudes and behaviors concerning gender roles. Ample time is spent answering anonymous questions the students have about sexuality.

Dating Girls: What She Wishes You Knew

You’ll learn…
• What “consent” really means and how to keep your communication clear to avoid dangerous mixed messages.
• How sexual arousal works in women (Hint: It’s different than in men!)
• How to talk to girls about sex and pleasure without being creepy or aggressive. 
• How to keep yourself away from legal consequences with your online and texting behavior.
• How to manage disagreements in a relationship, recognize red flags, and break up with dignity if the relationship needs to end.
• How relying on porn to learn about sex, masturbation, and relationship expectations can mess you up.
• How to stand up for one another when harassment or shaming is occurring to help create a world where we all can feel safe and have our bodies respected. 

Who will be there? 
Juniors and Seniors who identify as male and like girls.