The Practice Of Pleasure
Including My Pleasure Book:
A Guide To Being My Lover
Sunday, February 21, 2016
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
When we want to grow, we develop practices to foster it. Practice is about education, dedication and attention.
Sexual fulfillment is a practice. To have a fulfilling sex life we must continually learn about ourselves and our partners and adapt to changes that happen throughout the life cycle (think babies, work/life balance, aging, loss of relationships, or poor health, just to name a few).
This full-day workshop examines developing a practice of pleasure, mostly sensual and sexual pleasure. What is it? How do we experience it in our lives? How can we cultivate it? How can we bring more of it into our relationships?
Participants will
· Explore the ways they experience pleasure, identifying many types of pleasure
· Identify current ways - and discover new ways - to experience pleasure
· Discuss the cycle of arousal
· Examine ways to communicate about pleasure
· Discover ways to increase sexual awareness and arousal
The format will include lecture and discussion. And participants will take home their own personalized Pleasure Book! Note: We will not get naked. You will not be required to share intimate parts of your life. Trust me, be brave, it will be well worth your time! There’s nothing more liberating than improving ones comfort level around sexuality.
Girls Growing Up Strong: Tech Smart Teen
Saturday February 27 2016 10 am - noon
Girls will
- Receive the message that sexuality is a natural, normal, healthy part of life.
- Discuss that feelings of attraction are normal and a part of being a sexual human being.
- Understand the way the adolescent brain develops and how it impacts decision making.
- Have an open forum which to discuss feelings of attraction, social media, cyber bullying and the legal aspects of on-line behaviors.
- Looks at ways to interact with people we are attracted to, including how to send a message that is not too suggestive, and why.
- Identify healthy characteristic in relationships and discuss ways of dealing with feelings of attraction.
- Explore age appropriate resources to learn about sexuality and why googling about sex is dangerous to healthy sexual development.
Raising a Sex-Positive Child in a Sex-Negative Nation
A Class for Parents of Children Birth to 5 years
Wednesday, March 2 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Raising A Sex- Positive Child in A Sex-Negative Nation is a class for parents; ideally parents of very young children. Raising a sexually healthy child takes forethought. The earlier parents think about ways to develop a strong foundation for children, the better. Raising a sex-positive child takes years to foster, this is not a conversation that happens once or twice between parent and child. It is an open, nonjudgmental, communicative relationship that is cultivated over time.
It is best if it starts at birth.
This class will equip parents with the information and motivation to start educating their young child. It will help parents understand all that sexuality includes (from body image to reproduction to boundary setting to honoring “no”), think about the values they want to share with their children, and learn concrete ways to promote healthy sexual development. What parents learn in this class sets the stage for open, frank conversations where parents and children talk openly about their body’s (and their bodily functions), love, relationships, and family.
Mon – Sun: 3p
Stretching and mindful breathing for pregnant women and their babies. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Mon – Sun: 7p
Revitalize the body by increasing circulation to the organs and calm the nervous system through breathing exercises. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.